Saturday, March 5, 2011


(vêr'nî-säzh') del frances vernis, varnisar.

Se define como el evento previo a una exhibicion de arte y ha sido practicado por centurias por los artistas del mundo.

En la actualidad se considera sinonimo de inauguracion pero igual puede mantener su concepcion tradicional al ser una muestra previa abierta solo a un publico privado, mientras que la apertura suceda al dia siguiente.

Si alguien le importa hacer uso de esta palabra puede interpretarse como indique la situacion.

Aqui se usara como sinonimo de apertura.

(vêr'nî-säzh') from the french vernis, varnish.

It is defined as the event previous to the an art exhibition and has been practiced by artist around the world throughout the centuries.

In the actuality it is considered a synonym to inauguration but it can keep its traditional meaning as well by displaying a private show previously to the opening, while the exhibition opening will happen the next day.

If somebody cares to use this word it can be interpreted as the situation dictates.

Here it will used as the synonym of opening.

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